Monday, February 11, 2013

Shift Happens

The delightful flight attendant's voice echoed the same announcement that I have heard on every flight since the day I was born. The warning came right after we landed.

"Please be careful when opening the overhead bins as contents may have shifted during the flight."

My iWitness...

Shift Happens...

It happens to all of us. No one is exempt. "Shift" is not discriminatory. The contents of eveyone's life shifts at one time or another.

"Oh, I will never get divorced," we say. Fifteen years later we find ourselves single again. 
"Those homeless people just don't have a good work ethic," we pontificate. Next thing we know we have been given the pink slip and within two months our savings have dried up and the house is going into foreclosure with nowhere to go.
"I exercise everyday. I am in great shape," we say with confidence. Cancer sometimes doesn't care if you exercise or don't before it decides to strike.

Children disobey and run off to do their own thing. Friends are fickle. Families are finicky. Occupations can be hazardous. Car accidents happen. I could go on all day.

Air turbulence causes the contents of our life to be shifted.

So what do we do when we open the overhead bin of life and discover that the contents have shifted?

We look to the one who has not shifted!

In a great storm on the sea the disciples of Jesus were panicking as their dispositions and egos were being shifted. But it was Jesus who was "still and solid" in the storm, unshifted by the waves and the tempest. Jesus was at peace in the midst of the storm.

"And they went and woke him, saying, "Master, Master, we are perishing!" And he awoke and rebuked the wind and the raging waves, and they ceased, and there was a calm. He said to them, "Where is your faith?" (Luke 8. 24-25)

In a moment Jesus stilled the storm. 

As one of my favorite songs declares.... "Sometimes he calms the storm, sometimes he calms the child." May Jesus still the storm of your world today and in the process may He still you too.

Shift Happens! And guess what? 

Jesus happens too...

And that's my iWitness...
Laugh often and fear not!

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