Tuesday, February 12, 2013

The Manual

The dashboard lights started flashing. Not just one light mind you. All the lights and displays on the whole dashboard lit up the console like it was the Fourth of July. The engine started revving up and then dying out. My friend was able to get the car into a parking lot before it came to a deaad halt.

She placed the car in park, leaned over to the glove compartment and retrieved the manual... for the very first time.

My iWitness...

The key to this story is that this was the very first time that a car had broken down on my friend. Not just this car... any car.

The fascinating thing about the breakdown was the cold reality that as she grabbed the manual, she had no idea where to begin. The car manual can be overwhelming. It's broken down into so many different chapters filled with words that seem foreign to the automotive novice.

Where does one start when all the display lights have raised their hand demanding your immediate attention? Her conclusion was "when you've never read the manual, how do you know where to start?"

Couldn't have said it better myself.

When life shifts (as it did yesterday), where in the manual of life, The Bible do I turn? There are so many books and chapters and words and names of people that I cannot pronounce. Where does one start?

Wherever you start the good news is that there is a manual available. The question is , will we take it out and familiarize ourself with it, know it from cover to cover or will we leave it in the glove compartment until the next emergency?

"Your word is a lamp to my feet
and a light to my path." (Psalm 119. 105)

And that's my iWitness...
Laugh often and fear not!

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