Sunday, June 16, 2013

Father's Day

"Happy Father's Day!"

For the fourth "Father's Day" in a row those are words that I will only have the joy of saying to men other than my own father.
My dad was born on August 9, 1929 and died on April 25, 2010 just three and half months shy of his 81st birthday.

I have said these words before but they stand worth repeating today.
In November of 2005 I was driving my dad to the airport and I said with great fear and trepidation, "Dad, are you proud of me?"
My dad responded quickly, which was unusual for him, "Of course I am son."
I continued, "Well, I need to hear that from you. I need to know that you are proud of me."

My dad didn't do a lot of things, but let me tell you what he did do...
For the next four and half years at the end of every conversation we had he would say,
"I'm proud of you son."

For the last three years and twenty-two days I have carried those words with me. They mean more to me than anything.
It was indeed the last words I ever heard from my dad.

We were on the phone.
Dad was in the hospital after suffering a heart attack.
I was in Houston, Texas leading a spiritual renewal weekend.
In a raspy voice struggling to find enough oxygen to utter the words, the last words I heard from Marshall C. Dendy, Jr. were, "I love you son. I'm proud of you."
It doesn't get much better than that!

If you, the reader will indulge me for just this one moment, please allow me the joy of saying,
"Happy Father's Day dad. I miss you. I love you. And I'm proud of you too."

My iWitness...

To all the dads out there...
Perhaps there are no words greater to say to your children than these seven words:

"I love you
I'm proud of you..."

If Jesus needed to know that his Abba (Father) was proud of him, how much more do we need to tell our own children?

When Jesus was being baptized, the Holy Spirit descended upon him in the form of a dove and the thunderous voice of God the Father Almighty proclaimed:
"This is my son with whom I am well pleased..." (Matthew 3. 17)

Make these words of pride and honor and love be the first words your children hear today...
not your last.

And that's my iWitness...
Laugh often and fear not!

ps - "Happy Father's Day!"

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