Thursday, June 6, 2013

Prayer and the Tooth Fairy...

My 7 year old son Joshua lost his left front tooth yesterday at school.
He was so excited as he ran up to me upon my walking through the door last night flashing me his big smile with one less tooth.
Upon arriving home my wife Julie told him to place the tooth under his pillow so that the Tooth Fairy would be able to find it and give him some money.
(Sidebar - Who came up with this idea? I'd like to have a few words with this individual!!)
Bedtime arrived and just before Joshua climbed into bed the question of the universe was placed before him:
Is your tooth under your pillow?
The answer of "No" brought on a full blown search of the house, the car, every trash can and every other nook and cranny known to man on our small piece of property in Dubuque, Iowa. All of this was accompanied by the wailing and gnashing of teeth (one less than the day before) of Joshua.

Exhausted, we finally said (with the most polite, calm, tender and soothing voice), "Go on to bed..."

Hours later when the female side of the Tooth Fairy in our family decided to go to bed she found this note in big sister Faith's room:

Dear Tooth Fairy
my brother can
not find his
tooth. Will you
please give him
so money.
P.S. Your
firend Faith

My iWitness...

How many times have we had the distinct privilege of praying on behalf of someone else?
Our mom is dying of cancer...
     We pray on her behalf.
Our best friend is suffering from alcoholism...
     We beseech the Holy One to intervene.
Our children are fast asleep, all tucked in under their sheets...
     We get down on our knees beside their bed and ask God's protecting angels to surround them.
We have just had the worst day of our lives at work...
     Someone, unbeknownst to us lifts up our very being before the throne of Grace.
We run into someone at the grocery store and unconsciously ask, "How's it going?"...
     Twenty minutes later we have our arms wrapped around their shoulders asking for the healing 
     hand of God to be placed upon their hearts.

Faith's petition melted the heart of the Tooth Fairy.
How much more...
How much more will our petitions, our prayers of intercession touch the heart of the One who dearly loves us and provides for all of us in ways unimaginable.

"The Lord is at hand; do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus." (Philippians 4. 6-7)

Let our requests be made known on behalf of others...
On behalf...

And that's my iWitness...
Laugh often and Fear Not!

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