Wednesday, April 10, 2013


"I started a diet this week!"

How many times have you said those words? How many times have I said those words?

That's a rhetorical question. But, the reality is that I did start a new diet program this week. I started on Sunday and as of this morning I have seen some pretty positive and dramatic results. I have found myself the past couple of days sharing the good results with others. Their discouraging comments have carried a consistent theme... "It's just water weight! Don't get so excited. It's just water weight." 

All of me wants to shout, "If that's the case then praise the Lord! Because it's water weight that's been hanging around for a long time that I have not been able to shake for months and months!!"

Comments and inner thoughts aside... I wonder how I would be feeling if after three days of dieting I had not lost any weight.

How would I feel three days into this thing if there were no tangible, positive weight loss results...?

My iWitness...

I have a feeling that I would "chuck" this weight loss program if I didn't see any immediate results.

This raises an intriguing question for me...

"How do I feel about being obedient to and following the way of Jesus if I don't see any immediate results to my behavior and life?"

I have had a few conversations as of late that have had one central theme... "David, I am tired of always doing the right thing. I don't see what good it is doing. I always do the right thing. And look where it has gotten me. I want to venture out on my own and do my own thing that feels good and right to me."

Not only can I sympathize, I can also empathize with my friends. I have been there many times myself and I will find myself in that same place somewhere further down the road. For all I know I might be saying the same thing tomorrow or next month or next year.

Continuing the "diet" theme let me say this... When I do my own thing, when I go out on my own, when I do that which feels good to me with no regard to others... guess what? I get all out of shape. I don't look good and I don't feel good and typically I don't have the energy to be good for other people.

I have never forgotten this great quote from C.S. Lewis - "Discipline before emotion." (Not that I have always followed that quote, it's just that I have never forgotten it.)

There's another favorite quote of mine from the Apostle Paul that has sustained me during those seasons of frustration...

"And let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up. So then, as we have opportunity, let us do good to everyone, and especially to those who are of the household of faith." (Galatians 6. 9-10)

My dear friends... continue to do good!

The immediate results might be minimal or even minuscule...but the ripple effects are meaningful and potentially miraculous.

Keep the faith and continue to be faithful to the One who is faithful and good to us whether He sees immediate results in us or not...Do not give up on the One who has never given up on you...

I am comforted and thrilled by these words... "And I am sure of this, that He who began a good work in you will bring it to completion at the the day of Jesus Christ." (Philippians 1. 6)

And that's my iWitness...
Laugh often and Fear not!

ps - After I have lost all of this "water weight" I will let you know how this diet thing is going about a month from now...

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