Thursday, April 25, 2013

The Giant and the Dwarf

Her name is Santana.
She's blonde...
She has a contagious laugh and infectious personality.
Her smile lights up the room.
You can't help but notice her when you walk into a room where she is present.
She's ten years old.
She's in third grade.
She's a dwarf.

Last night, the church we attend had rented out the local Roller Skating rink.
Put me on a set of "quads" and watch out!!
Literally, "Watch out!"
I love roller skating with the music, the disco ball and people of all abilities out on the rink making their way around the rink in a counter clockwise fashion.

I was flying down the backstretch with my orange wheels whirring and I noticed Santana in the far corner standing next to her mom.
Our eyes met
Her smile widened
And her little arms stretched out as far as they could
Her hands were opened wide shouting, "Grab me! Hold me!"

How could I resist...
Compared to Santana, I am a giant.

And there we were... hand in hand, laughing, skating and at one time tripping and falling all over each other. Several times Santana fell and several more times my big hands and strong arms kept her from falling.
The giant and the dwarf...
I loved it!
And so did she...

My iWitness...

I am a dwarf...
God is a ginormous gigantic giant!

And yet...

That doesn't stop Him from reaching down, extending His big hand to hold my little hand and go skating with me through life.
There are times when I stumble, tumble and fall.
There are more times when His big hands and strong arms keep me from falling.
There are times when I want to skate alone.
There are times when I want to skate along.
There are times when I want to skate with someone else.
And yet, there He is, the Giant, always near by with hand extended desiring to skate with me.

What will the day ahead bring?
I have no idea other than this I know...
I will put on my skates, listen to the music, stand in the corner and patiently wait for the Giant of Giants to come and take my outstretched hand and hold me for the ride of the day!
As I hold His hand, I know that He holds mine!
The Giant and the Dwarf...
I love it!
And so does He!

And that's my iWitness...
Laugh often and Fear not!

"You make known to me the path of life;
     in your presence there is fullness of joy;
     at your right hand are pleasures forevermore." (Psalm 16. 11)

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