Monday, April 29, 2013

When Grace comes a knockin'

The temperatures in Dubuque, Iowa are on the rise! Warmer temperatures invite people to leave their wintry cocoons and venture outdoors to enjoy the beauty of God's creation.
We live in a great neighborhood filled with children about the same age as Faith and Joshua. The children all get along as well as the parents.
A wonderful sound that we did not hear very often in the winter time is the sound of the doorbell. The kids troll the neighborhood looking for a playmate. The refrain is always the same, "Can (insert name of child) come out and play?" It's a chorus that will be played out many times this summer. I love it!

Last night Grace came a knockin' (literally rang the doorbell). Grace lives over on the next street. As soon as the doorbell rang, Faith and Joshua responded in Pavlovian style and ran as fast as they could to the door using classic Roller Derby techniques to see who would arrive first. Our dog Lily is barking the whole way and mom and dad are not far behind in the rare case that it actually might be an adult at the front door who just might be asking if we can come out and play.

Grace's standard question was met with, "We're sorry honey. It's too late. Faith and Joshua are getting ready to go to bed. (a short protest from Faith and Joshua was met with the Dendy "Don't Disrespect Me Death Stare!" It's quite effective!)

Grace smiled and said, "Okay" and was on her way as the kids exchanged pleasantries.

Grace will come a knockin' again.

She always does...

My iWitness...

I am pretty positive that Grace, Faith and Joshua give little thought to the amount of courage it must take to knock on someone's door and ask them to come out and play.

They do it so effortlessly and with full confidence that the child on the other side of the door will be ready to run outside and play at the drop of a hat.

What would happen if every time they knocked on the door the ready response was, "I'm sorry. We are too busy to play." How many knocks would it take for them to simply stop knocking?

One of my favorite images of Jesus is found in the book of Revelation...

"Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and eat with him, and he with me." (Revelation 3. 20)

Jesus stands at the door of my heart each and every day and knocks gently, repetitively, relentlessly, courageously and lovingly offering His grace saying, "Can you come out and play?"

How many times have I said, "I'm sorry Jesus. I am too busy today. Perhaps tomorrow."

And tomorrow comes...

How many "tomorrows" have passed and will pass with His gentle knock that I no longer even go near the front door because I know He is there? I begin to hide in the recesses of my own home only to become a prisoner in the very place I seek to find freedom.

Oh... will you excuse me please? I need to go answer the door.

Grace has come a knockin' again...

He always does...

And that's my iWitness...
Laugh often and fear not!

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