Friday, March 8, 2013

Giving and Receiving

Yesterday I had two opportunities to give...(Let me rephrase that... let me share with you two encounters I had that I was able to "give." I am sure there were plenty of opportunities to give yesterday that escaped my attention...)

The first opportunity was to give of my time, my experience and my counsel.

The second opportunity was to give of my resources.

My iWitness...

Ecclesiastes Chapter 3 begins like this...

 "For everything there is a season, and a time for every matter under heaven..."

There is a season to give and there is a season to receive.

Most of us love to give... give of our time, resources, expertise, attention, advice, help and whatever other way "giving" manifests itself.

If we love to give then why is it so hard to "receive?"

I was struck yesterday at just how difficult it was for the two persons to receive the gift that was being offered as just that "a gift." No strings attached, a gift.

The second encounter brought us both to tears and yet the "receiver" wanted to do something to "pay me back." My protest was gentle yet firm... "There is a time to give and a time to receive. It's my turn to give and it's your turn to receive."

What time is it for you today?

To receive?

To give?

Whatever time it is for you, let us pray that we will be available to accept both gifts...

And that's my iWitness...
Laugh often and Fear not!

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