Monday, October 14, 2013

Backbends and Cartwheels

Yesterday afternoon, the whole family, along with at least 45 other families descended upon the Westside Gymnastics gym to watch our respective daughters perform their tumbling routines.

I witnessed a number of back bends and cart wheels.

My iWitness...

A strange thought is racing through my mind at this moment.
What is the purpose of a "back bend and a cart wheel"?I am not sure I know the answer to that, but let's press on to another subject, shall we?
What I was most impressed with is the "flexibility" of these young girls.

To have the ability to stand straight up and bend over backwards and have your hands be able to touch the ground, without falling on your head and then propel your feet back over your head in such a way so as to find yourself back in a standing position is a fascinating feat.

When was the last time you performed a perfect cartwheel?
The ability to position your body to look like the spokes on a cart and make one full rotation with all four limbs in perfect alignment is something I have never been able to perfect (But I am working on it!!)

To achieve the backbend and the cartwheel takes great skill but also phenomenal flexibility?

I am reminded of a beatitude that never made it into the scriptures that in my humble opinion should have been etched in stone long ago...

"Blessed are the flexible, for they shall not break."

Are you flexible enough to bend over backwards for someone?
Can you just roll with it like a cartwheel?

What word describes you best?
Flexible or Rigid?
Fluid or Static?
Progressing or Stationary?

Perhaps we could begin on this Monday to ask the Lord to stretch our minds and our hearts in such a way so as to be flexible enough to reach out and experience the joy of God's ways and wonders in a new way...

Who knows?
By the end of the day we might just be doing backbends and cartwheels!

And maybe we will discover that that's the purpose of a backbend and a cartwheel after all...

And that's my iWitness...
Laugh often and Fear not!

Jesus looked at them and said, “With man it is impossible, but not with God. For all things are possible with God.” (Mark 10. 27)

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