Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Visualizing Home...

It is the same need and desire of every parent when their child moves away from home. We "have" to come see where you live. Whether our children desire it or not we walk around the house, inspect every nook and cranny, open and close all the doors, look at the place from every possible angle, you know...kick the tires.

We tuck away every room into our memory banks for two reasons.
1. We love you and want to make sure you are "OK" in your new surroundings.
2. When we go back home, the next time we talk to you on the phone we will be able to "visualize" where you are.

Well...just the opposite happened yesterday. We had some good friends from Klamath Falls, Oregon (where we used to live) arrive at our home mid afternoon. They were welcomed with big hugs and kisses amidst lots of laughter and cheer of good friends being reunited in person.

Here is the strange thought I encountered the other day...
"I need for my friends to come see where I live. Whether they have the need or not is immaterial, I need them to see where we dine, where we play, where we hang out, where we watch TV, where we work and where we live out our adventures."

My iWitness...

I love these opening verses of the Gospel of John...

In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God. All things were made through him, and without him was not any thing made that was made. In him was life, and the life was the light of men.

14 And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we have seen his glory, glory as of the only Son from the Father, full of grace and truth. (John 1. 1-4, 14)

There came a time in history, when God decided it was time to come for a personal visit to see where we lived and to walk amongst us, as one of us.

And so he did in the person named Jesus.
For thirty-three years Jesus played, ran around the neighborhood, went to school, set up a carpenter's shop with his dad, bartered for food at the marketplace, regularly worshiped at the nearest synagogue, made friends, respected his elders, obeyed the law, was teased by his younger brothers and sisters, made friends and began an itinerant ministry that took him all over Israel. I think most of us know the rest of the story.

Jesus has inspected our home..
Jesus can "visualize" where we are...

I can picture that the day will come after years and years of conversation, Jesus will say to me,

"I have seen your home David. I've checked out every nook and cranny of your life. I've sweated on the courts where you play tennis. I've grazed my hand across the desk where you work. I've felt the cushion of the grass in your front yard where you play with Faith and Joshua. I've sat at the dining room table where you eat the delicious meals that Julie has wonderfully prepared. I've reclined where you and Julie have had those marvelous conversations. I've been poked by the springs in the pew where you used to preach. I have always loved laughing with you as your contagious laugh infects others. I've collected in my hands the tears that have cascaded down your cheeks from your broken heart over and over again. I've been the passenger in the car you drive. I've even kicked the tires. I've met your friends David, and oh my what good friends they are! Thank you for letting me be a part of your life and home David. But the time has come where I have seen your home and now I would like for you to come see mine."

And that's my iWitness...
Laugh often and Fear not!


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