Tuesday, December 10, 2013


It happens every year at this time.
Somehow, some way "needy families" are identified and their needs are distributed to different groups. These groups purchase items that meet the needs of these families and the gifts are delivered.
Our department chose to participate in this annual tradition.
My assignment was to purchase pants for a  girl, size 14/16.
I went to Target today and bought a pair of pants that looked pretty hip to me.
The cost was $7.98

My iWitness...

Typically when I participate in such festivities I feel just that..."festive."
Not today...
For some odd reason I felt sadness as I purchased these pair of pants.
I felt sad for a young girl out there in Dubuque whose wardrobe depended on a 50 year old's taste of fashion.
I felt sad as I thought about my own Christmas festivities considering we will more than likely spend 150 times more on our own family. That doesn't even begin to account for the amount of money we spend on others who are close friends and family members.
I felt selfish and a little awkward walking through the girl's section of clothing at Target.
For all I know, this young girl will be overwhelmed and happy for the pair of pants she would not otherwise have received.
For whatever reason my emotions are raw, exposed and a little on the melancholy side.
It's the season of cheer, joy, happiness and smiles and yet, for me today... not so much.

Who knows?
Maybe in ten minutes my attitude, thoughts and feelings will change...
Then again... maybe they won't...

Among other things please remember this Christmas season...
Those who have lost loved ones...
Those who are needy...
Those who would love to change their disposition from depressed to cheery, but simply cannot do it...
Those who are without family, home and shelter...
Those who have a lot of stuff, but don't have anything at all...
Those whose lives might be forever touched if we would just spend $7.98

And that's my iWitness...
Laugh often and Fear not!

"The point is this: whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows bountifully will also reap bountifully. Each one must give as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver."
(2 Corinthians 9. 6-7)

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