Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Lone Survivor

There's a new movie coming out in about 10 days titled "Lone Survivor." It's based on the book:
"Lone Survivor: The Eyewitness Account of Operation Redwing and the Lost Heroes of SEAL Team 10"

Here's the synopsis: Four US Navy SEALS departed one clear night in early July 2005 for the mountainous Afghanistan-Pakistan border for a reconnaissance mission. Their task was to document the activity of an al Qaeda leader rumored to be very close to Bin Laden with a small army in a Taliban stronghold. Five days later, only one of those Navy SEALS made it out alive.

In the movie trailer two things are mentioned that are worth our intense consideration on this last day of the year 2013...

1. This phrase below is used in describing the team work involved with Seal Team 10...

We are never Stronger than when we Stand as One...

2. The "lone survivor" in real life was being interviewed by the director and was asked something along the line of, "When you are in the middle of the firefight are you afraid?"

The "lone survivor's" answer struck me to the core -

Our biggest fear is not being there for one another...

My iWitness...

Over the last 365 days these two statements encapsulate what I have learned by fulfilling the challenge of writing a blog every day where I saw God at work each day in the life of every day people.

You are not alone!
I am not alone!
There are no lone rangers and there are no lone survivors.
There is no "I" in "We".
We are there for one another...every day... every hour... every moment.
Together we stand as "ONE" and together we stand with strength, solidarity and steadfastness!

Here's the best news I can offer...
The challenge for 2013 was to discover if I could really see God at work each and every day for a full year.
And the answer is "YES!"
My biggest fear was that one day God was not going to show up and then I was not going to be able to show up for you.
Fear not!
Every day God showed up.
Every day the blog "iWitness" showed up on dwdendy.blogspot.com, or on my Facebook page or in your email inbox.
Every day I showed up and every day readers of this blog showed up. We were never left alone!

Should anyone ever ask, ever wonder, ever ponder - "Is God still at work?"
You and I have 365, count 'em... 365 posts to reread, share, offer and show that God is at work every day in the life of every day people!

Praise be to God for His everlasting love, care, grace, mercy and laughter!

Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.” (Joshua 1. 9)

And that's my iWitness...
Laugh often and Fear not!

ps - Together we have been on an awesome journey.
This journey has taught me that I live in a community.
I am not a lone survivor and neither are you.
We are held together by a bond we call "The Lord our God."
Let's remember to stand together.
Let's remember to never leave someone behind.
Some of you have been with me every day for all 365 postings. You know who you are and for the most part so do I - Thank you!
Some of you have been with me for most of the time or maybe even for a short while - Thank you!
To my wife Julie...You and your love and support have been with me every day for over fifteen years - Thank you!
To my Lord Jesus... You have been with me every day for over forty years on this roller coaster of a ride called life - Thank you!

On an even more personal note...When I look in the mirror, I see a little boy with droopy eyes who really and truly wonders why anyone would want to read anything that I would write or say...Thank you for being a faithful reader and allowing me to see myself through different lenses... I am simply overcome and overwhelmed and amazed at the number of people who read "iWitness". My love to you all for an incredible 2013 and an even more miraculous and marvelous 2014!

Go forth into the world in peace.
Be of good courage.
Hold fast to that which is good.
Render to no one evil for evil.
Strengthen the fainthearted,
Support weak,
Love and serve the Lord with gladness and with joy,
Honor all people!
Laugh often!!

Fear not!!
Go forth knowing that the unconditional love of God the Father Almighty, the Amazing Grace of our Lord Jesus Christ and the communion, the fellowship and the power of the Holy Spirit is with you now and forever and ever and ever.
And everyone said, "AMEN!"
Go get 'em!!


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