Tuesday, September 10, 2013

God in the Box part 2

Yesterday we took a look at two thought provoking questions...
What does God look like?

What does God mean to you?

We didn't look at any answers yesterday... just looked at the questions.

My iWitness...

Today, I would like to offer my answer to these two questions. I am feeling the pressure to come up with some incredibly profound answer that will blow the mind of each reader and have everyone walking away from this blog post shaking their head in complete and utter spiritual amazement!! Don't get your hopes up...

What does God look like?

Being the good "Trinitarian" that I am, I always think of God as three distinct, unique persons.

God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit - Three in One.

When I think of God the Father, I just see the color white. It's not a blinding brilliant white but rather a soft, warm inviting white. I see no face but I do see large, strong yet gentle hands being extended from under robed arms. Furthermore, I see knees bent at a ninety degree angle under His massive white robe as God sits on some type of throne. I see no feet but I do see myself sitting, kneeling at the feet of God.

When I think of God the Son I have a definite picture in mind of what Jesus looks like. I am positive that my mind's eye has been influenced by movies, paintings and other visual mediums. Jesus is dark skinned, long thick brown wavy hair resting on a tall, strong and lean frame. I always picture Jesus wearing a tanned colored robe. Sometimes I wonder what Jesus would look like wearing jeans. Jesus has a brilliant smile and a contagious laugh. But, it is His eyes that captivate and mesmerize my every vision. Dazzling brown with deep black pupils surrounded by soft features, it is the eyes of Jesus that draw me in more than any other physical aspect. His eyes always reflect what I need... Encouraging, supportive, loving, corrective, forgiving, humorous, accepting, life giving and full of grace. When I look into the eyes of Jesus, the rest of the world disappears.

When I think of God the Holy Spirit - I see the wind, which is to say, I see nothing. Like the wind I feel the Holy Spirit. I see the effects of the Holy Spirit, but I do not see any type of quantified object that I could begin to describe.

What does God mean to you?

This is indeed a tough, thought provoking question.

God means everything to me.
God is the foundation on which I stand.
God is the post on which I lean.
God is the power that fuels my pursuits, my personality and my passions.
God is my shelter, my savior and my satisfaction.
God is not far away and distant but rather very personal, protective and providential.
God is the comfort in which I lay myself down and peacefully rest and sleep.
God is the keeper of the promises so that I can walk forward in life with full assurance and confidence.
God is the warrior that stands beside me in the most conflicted situations and shouts at the top of His lungs... "Fear not David! For I am with you!!"
God is the strength upon which I crumple when I finally admit just how weak and insecure I really am.
God is the extended hand that I hold on to as hard as I can only to realize that it is the hand of God that forever holds on to me even when I let go.
God is the giver of all things and the only framework from which I can operate is one of gracious gratitude.
God is supremely powerful and yet is surprisingly gentle with my heart.
God is God and I am not... (one of these days I will finally grasp this...)
God is the Hound of Heaven who runs after me and pursues me relentlessly when I run away and try to hide. He finds me every time!!
God is the detailed planner with an incessant creative imagination whose plans, hopes and desires are "far more" than my wildest dreams could possibly imagine.
God is the One, the only one who understands and accepts every thing about me.
God is the One with whom I find great delight, joy and extreme laughter which in turn makes me "laugh often."
God is the One who offers me hope in the most hopeless of situations, love when I am most unlovable, acceptance when I am most unacceptable.
God is the Voice that proclaims, "You are forgiven!" over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over....
God is the hands that wrap around my face as His loving thumbs wipe away my every tear and whispers in my ear... "I understand..."
God is the elbow in my ribs as He says, "Hey David... check this out." And I do and I then stand there in utter amazement.
God is the great memory bank who reminds me who I am and whose I am when I forget.
God is the unconditional love that melts my heart each and every day.
God is my all in all.
God is the tape at the finish line that patiently waits to enfold me as I run the race of life, stumbling and crawling across the line exhausted and exhilarated!
God is One who waits on the 50 yard line of the stadium of heaven in the presence of the great cloud of witnesses and announces to the sold out crowd, "Ladies and Gentleman, boys and girls, from Dubuque, Iowa, a child of the covenant, a son of the King - David Wilkes Dendy as I come running through the tunnel out on to the field and jump into the everlasting arms of Jesus to the deafening applause of heaven!

That's what God means to me...

And that's my iWitness...
Laugh often and Fear not!

"...because, if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. 10 For with the heart one believes and is justified, and with the mouth one confesses and is saved. 11 For the Scripture says, “Everyone who believes in him will not be put to shame.” 12 For there is no distinction between Jew and Greek; for the same Lord is Lord of all, bestowing his riches on all who call on him. 13 For “everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.” (Romans 10. 9-13)

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