Thursday, September 26, 2013

The Other Chair

It was such a simple experiment with the most predictable of outcomes I am embarrassed to even mention it here in this public forum.
And yet, like a toddler who just has to touch the hot stove, I put my hand out to test this most simplistic of observations.

I walked outside this morning as part of my morning ritual ( See 9/24 blog). There's a chair sitting out near the driveway that Julie must have been sitting in yesterday as the kids were out in the front yard.

The cool crisp air kissed my cheeks and I thought for a moment about just sitting down on the chair to enjoy the moonlit sky. I put my hand out on to the cushion and it was drenched with the morning dew.

I made my way up the front walkway and there is another chair sitting under the cover of the front porch. Silly me... I tentatively put my hand out to touch "the other chair" and guess what?

It was as dry as it could be...

My iWitness...

One chair wet with dew.

"The other chair"... dry as the desert.

All because "the other chair" was under a cover that kept it away from the falling dew.
The dew fell.
But it didn't land on the "the other chair."

Do you ever feel like "the other chair"?
Does it appear to you that others around you are getting drenched in the dew of God's grace and mercy while you sit there dry as a bone?

Let's be clear... God's grace, like the dew falls each and everyday.

I wonder if sometimes we purposefully or unknowingly place ourselves in situations or conditions that prevent us from enjoying the morning ritual of God's dew gently raining down upon us.

Maybe we are afraid to get wet...
Maybe we know what feeling "dry" is all about and we don't want to risk getting "wet" because we don't really know what that would be like.

Let me offer these simplistic yet difficult words...
"Come on out! The dew is fine!"

Is there something covering you up and keeping you from receiving the full breadth and depth of God's grace and mercy?

Maybe today is the day to move away from "the other chair."

And that's my iWitness...
Laugh often and Fear not!

The LORD by wisdom founded the earth,
By understanding He established the heavens.
By His knowledge the deeps were broken up
And the skies drip with dew. (Proverbs 3. 19-20)

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