Tuesday, January 22, 2013


I will hit the half century mark in 40 days.
I will be 50 years old in two score days.
I will be five decades old in 2 fortnights and 12 days.
I will have been alive for 600 months in five weeks and five days.
In 40 days I will have lived for 18,250 days.
In 960 hours I will have breathed in and out, in and out for 438,000 hours.

And yesterday, 41 days shy of my 50th I went to see a chiropractor for an "adjustment."

What I got yesterday was a few tests, a few X-Rays and some cold hands feeling how tight my back muscles have become over all these years... No adjustments just yet...

After 45 minutes I was out the door with an appointment to come back in a fortnight.

My iWitness...

When was the last time you had an adjustment?

The oil in our car needs to be "adjusted" every 3,000 miles and our tires need a rotational "adjustment" every 5,000 miles.

But what about our spiritual life? How often do we need an adjustment? Once a week - at church for the one hour service? Once a day? Twice a year - semi-annually? Every two years - biennially?

I have often heard that the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over expecting different results.

I am getting to an age where I am getting tired of being "insane"!!

I was struck by a quote from the head basketball coach of Butler University over the weekend after they had beaten Gonzaga University on a last second basket after stealing an inbounds pass. The coach said something like this... "The pain of regret is far worse than the pain of discipline."

One of my "adjustments" is doing the daily discipline of writing this blog, reading 3-4 chapters in my Bible, reading a daily devotional (Reflections for Ragamuffins by Brennan Manning) and praying the prayers from the book entitled, "A Heart Exposed - Talking to God with Nothing to Hide by Steven James."

My pattern for nearly a half century has been to commit to something, get all excited, do it, perform it for a few weeks and then let the emotional feelings fade away and quit or phase out because it just became too darn hard to see it through to the finish line.

Not this year!

I say that with such boldness!

But inside there is a very strong and persistent voice droning away... "You won't be able to do it... just give up... I mean after all you have done a good job so far. No one will fault you for stopping now..."

My daily prayer is that in 2013 the pain of the discipline will far outweigh the very real and potential pain of regret. Let the insanity end!

This is the year of The Great Adjustment!

How bout you?

Adjustment or Insanity?

Pain of Discipline or Pain of Regret?

The choice is ours...

Go get 'em!!

"I call heaven and earth to witness against you today, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and curse. Therefore choose life..." (Deuteronomy 30.19)

And that's my iWitness...
Laugh often and Fear not!

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