Thursday, January 10, 2013

Sticks and stones...

In the late summer of 1966 a groundbreaking ceremony took place to begin construction on the World Trade Center Twin Towers. The North Tower (#1) was completed in December of 1970. The South Tower (#2) was completed in July of 1971.

It took 4 years 4 months and 4 years 11 months to build the two tallest towers in the New York City skyline. For over thirty years they stood tall as a strong, sturdy and secure symbol of the financial district in the Big Apple.

In the late summer of 2001 it took only took 90 minutes to bring them down...

I talked with a friend of mine today. We could not be more different. I'm a big city boy.  He's from a rural small town. I'm all bright lights and center stage and he's behind the curtain sweeping the floors. I'm all about the gel in the hair, making it look just right and he knows that God doesn't have to stretch too far in the arithmetic arena in counting the hairs on his balding head.

As much as we are different, our similarities outweigh the differences. Both college boys. Both have great wives. Both have young energy draining kids. Both have good secure jobs. Both are very sensitive when it comes to our feelings and our feelings getting hurt.

I didn't have to see him to know that his eyes were teeming with tears to near overflowing. His boss was quick with the tongue in uttering a slight, a slam, a slur and in less time than it took for you to read this sentence down he went.

Oh he didn't show it at the moment. No way, no how. Too proud. Too strong. And yet there he was... belittled, berated and broken. Wounded warrior. Shoulders slumped. Chin quivering. Lips stretched taut. All over one word. One two syllable word that tore through his psyche and soul faster than a speeding bullet.

Whoever coined the phrase "Sticks and stones may break my bones but words can never hurt me", I would like to take them down a back alley and beat the daylights out of them (figuratively of course!!).  I have never had any bones broken by sticks and stones, but boy oh boy I have been sliced and diced with razor sharp words.

My iWitness...

The scriptures are pretty clear about the use of the tongue and how hurtful it can be.

Let me offer this. It's easy to take down the "Twin Towers" of somebody's self-esteem and self-worth. Anybody can be negative and nasty. Anybody. There's no great challenge in that.

But we are not just anybody are we? No! Not today. Not this week! Not anymore.

"Let no corrupting talk come out of your mouths, but only such as is good for building up, as fits the occasion, that it may give grace to those who hear." (Ephesians 4. 29)

We are the builders of the "Twin Towers" of self-esteem and self-worth.
Discover just how little effort it takes to make someone's day with a positive word of encouragement. Offer a genuine compliment. Notice something that no one else notices. Tell someone just one thing that you really like about them. And then next week tell them something else that you like about them.

"You are so good at meeting people." "I marvel at the way you make cooking look so easy and effortless." "You make that dress look really nice on you." "I am always so impressed with your work ethic." "Your laughter and smile just light up the room." "You are such a good listener." "I know that I can always count on you."

How long do you want me to keep going?

To my dear readers... "I am so humbled that you would take the time to read these words. My heart has been so moved by your comments, your prayers and your support. How blessed am I to have such wonderful people in my life and in my world! Thank you!!! We only have 355 more days to go... Oh my!!"

Let's keep building each other up...

Laugh often and Fear not!


  1. You example this iWitness - tremendous impact on me - that has not been lost or overlooked. Love you David Dendy :)

  2. I've never known anyone that is a better example of this scripture than you David. Thank you for being my boss at one time and always my friend.
