Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Love Letters

I was visiting with a couple recently and the conversation between them turned to "letters". They're both in their mid-fifties and they've been married and madly in love with each other for more than 30 years. They were college sweethearts. They have three incredible, beautiful, God loving children and a few adorable grandchildren as well.

The husband said, "My dad has written me three letters in my whole life. And you know what? To this day, I still have all three letters." He went on to talk about the "love letters" he has written and is writing to his own children. Love letters are worth reading and rereading and holding on to.

All of a sudden his eyes became real wide and he started to laugh and with his index finger he pointed to his bride and said, "Do you remember the first card I ever gave you?" Her reply was quick, "The one with the guy peeing in the snow?" With great satisfaction he said, "Yes! That's the one!" He continued, "Do you still have it?" The twinkle in her eyes, the wide smile on her face and the affirming nod of her head said it all, "Absolutely!"

My iWitness...

I'm always amused when people denounce and claim that the Bible is historically inaccurate, not scientifically based, grammatically faulty and overall just a myth.

I think they have totally missed the point.

The Bible is the hand written love letter of God.

It's a love letter of how God has chosen to interact with humanity, hand written by His Holy Spirit through the hands and pens of humans.

The whole message of God's love letter simply says, "I Love You!"

“For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life." (John 3. 16)

Julie and I had been dating for about two months or so. I was consulting and traveling full time and one day I walked into my hotel room in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania and there on the desk was a vase full of roses. Julie had sent them to me all the way from Houston, Texas.

I called her immediately on the phone and thanked her and then uttered these three words that I had never said to her before this moment, "I love you."

Once those three words escape your heart through your mouth there is only one appropriate four word response. Julie was quick with the most appropriate response... "I love you too."

God offers to us these three great words, "I Love You!"

There is only one appropriate response...

What will we be, what will we say, what will we do today that says, "I love you too."

And that's my iWitness...
Laugh often and Fear not!

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