Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Face to Face

I have been away from home for the past seven days.
I have been on the phone a lot lately...
I picture in my mind Joshua's short frame jumping up and down, Faith's sky blue eyes, and Julie's brilliant smile, but it's not the same as "face to face."

I'm coming home today. The face to face encounter is going to be extra sweet!

On this trip I have seen some people that I haven't seen in months, weeks and even years. It's been great to see them "face to face." There's something about facial expressions that speak volumes that an email and/or a text will never pick up on.
Ever notice how a friend's left eyebrow arches at that certain angle when she totally disbelieves what you are saying?
Ever been paralyzed by the totally "blank" stare that your boss gives you that screams, "Seriously?" Ever been moved to tears due to another's tears that brim and then trickle down their cheek?
How about the contortion of a friend's face as they bust out laughing? Is there any thing better!
How about that special friend whose penetrating hazel green eyes look right into your very soul and in an instant you know that you are safe and secure in their gaze?

There's something about the face to face encounter that can't be beat.

My iWitness...

In the book of Exodus there is a great account of Moses spending time with God. I love this verse...

"Thus the Lord used to speak to Moses face to face, as a man speaks to his friend." (Exodus 33. 11)

Do  you ever wish God would come and sit down with you in your family room and visit with you "face to face?"  Me too...

Wouldn't life be so much easier if God would just show up at work, in the passenger seat, the driver's seat or the recliner and simply visit with us "face to face" and let us know what He wants and tell us where to go and what decisions to make?

If God would sit down with you right now, "face to face" what would you say? What questions would you ask? Would you really want to know all the answers?

With each sunrise and each sunset I am heading "Home."

"For now we see in a mirror dimly, but then face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I have been fully known." (1 Corinthian 13. 12)

All of us might  have to wait just a little bit longer, but the day will come when we no longer know in part, but know in full! One day we shall know fully as we have been fully known.

So... for today I will rest in  the full assurance that I only know in part.
But the day is coming...
The face to face encounter is going to be extra sweet!

And that's my iWitness...
Laugh often and Fear not!


  1. Face to Face! Nothing like it! Love you.

  2. It was such a sweet blessing to be face to face with you again on Monday! Thank you for your friendship. Thank you for your love!
