Sunday, January 27, 2013

State Patrol Officer

Five hours on the road yesterday allowed me to experience a host of different weather patterns. The drive started out with bright sunshine and clear blue skies. Then I hit a huge fog bank where visibility was down to less than a quarter mile. Rain drops soon dotted my windshield. The sun quickly prevailed and I had clear sailing until the hail started. Fifteen miles from my destination the blue Rest Area sign greeted me and I pulled over to make use of the facilities. Ten yards into the exit my eyes were drawn to the rear view mirror to see the beautiful array of flashing blue lights. The Aviator Ray Ban sunglasses kept me from seeing the whites of the State Patrolman's eyes. His lips did not form a smile. They were stoicly in a long straight line from left to right.

My heart sank as I grabbed for my wallet and pulled out my Iowa driver's license. "Maybe being out of state will help my cause", my mind contemplated. The officer approached my passenger window and asked me how I was doing today. Really? You're asking me how I am doing after you have just pulled me over? "Well officer thank you for asking! Let me tell you about my day...I've seen sunshine and I've seen rain..."

I opted for the honest approach. "Well officer, I am about to find out how I am doing." We had a nice chat about how fast I was going and how the effects of "cruise control" can actually make you go faster when cresting over a hill (which is where his radar gun had clocked me going 7 miles an hour over the 55 mph speed limit). He went on to offer, "You're fine sir. Just be careful out there and be more aware of your speed."

With that he started to move away from the vehicle. I uttered something about thank you for serving our community and sorry for your trouble...

This is about the 15th time I have been pulled over in my life without getting a ticket. Three minutes later I was underway driving at a speed of 5 mph below the speed limit for the rest of my journey.
I kept thinking to myself, "When are you going to learn to simply drive the speed limit?!"

My iWitness...

How fast are you driving through life these days?
How's the view? Rain? Sleet? Hail? Snow? Sunshine?
When was the last time you pulled over to rest?
When was the last time someone had to pull you over to get your attention?

I have a feeling had I not turned into the Rest Area the State Patrolman would have pulled me over just a little bit further down the road.

Is there someone in your world, in your life that has that unique ability to pull you over and say, "Hey, slow down. Be a little more aware of what's going on. Take some time to rest and gather yourself. What you're doing right now is not best for you and others. Please take some corrective action."

That "someone" is many times God's word for me.

One of my Seminary professors would always say, "Sometimes scripture corrects our thinking..." I always liked that.

"All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, that the man and woman of God may be complete, equipped for every good work." (2 Timothy 3. 16-17)

Thank you for journeying through life with me.
Thank you for pulling over and resting for a moment with me today.
Now, let's get back out there and be aware of God's word and God's grace so that we may be complete and equipped for the day and the journey ahead!

And that's my iWitness...
Laugh often and Fear not!

1 comment:

  1. Seriously? You were stopped again? Some people never learn.
