Monday, January 21, 2013

What happens when we get it right?

Wouldn’t you know it?
For 66 days in a row the paperboy/girl had missed hitting the driveway with the newspaper.
Yesterday morning as the garage door opened and my front driveway came into view, my eyes drifted to the left anticipating to see the newspaper in the grass for the 67th day in a row. My mind was having a hard time registering what it was “not” seeing. The newspaper was not on the grass. The newspaper wasn’t even near the grass.
The newspaper was right smack dab in the middle of the driveway!! Hallelujah!
Can I get an amen?!!!
My iWitness…
In our many attempts to “get it right” with God and with our world and with our family and with our workmates and with our neighbors, every now and then we get it right!
We get it right when we allow the Holy Spirit to lead us and guide us into:
writing that note of encouragement to the person who has been having a bad year,
giving a knowing smile and a wink of the eye to the one who doesn’t think tomorrow will come soon enough
texting a friend in a far away place just to say, “Love you, miss you…”
taking the high road in a conflicted situation
taking the back road when it comes to wanting recognition for doing a good deed
praising God for the gift of life out loud when we are tempted to be embarrassingly silent
trusting God as Abraham had faith in God and it was considered unto him as righteousness
running the race when we feel like giving up and forfeiting the prize that awaits us
going forth into the world when all we want to do is sit still
making the conscious effort to think less of ourselves and more of others
worshiping when we feel like worrying
bowing when we feel like bullying
loving patiently instead of losing our temper
forgiving others even when we know we are "right"
moving toward the problem instead of conveniently looking and walking the other way
confessing our sin, repenting of our sin and not whitewashing our sin with lazy lame excuses.

The list could go on and on....

What happens when we get it right?
I think there is more rejoicing in heaven than we can even imagine.
I believe the sheer volume of joyful noise that is created by the angels clapping their wings together is enough to put any Midwestern summer afternoon thunderstorm to shame.
I believe that the smile on God’s face stretches a thousand miles wide and when His lips part the sound of approving laughter and chuckling is ten times deeper and louder and sweeter than the voice of James Earl Jones.
I believe that the sparkle in His eyes is more brilliant than a sapphire stone surrounded by dazzling diamonds reflecting the mid-day sun.
I believe the Trinity gets together and gives each other a fist pump, a high five and a loving slap on the back.
“Just so, I tell you, there is joy before the angels of God over one sinner who repents.”
                                                                                                                    (Luke 15. 10)
That’s what I believe and that’s…
My iWitness…
Laugh often and Fear not!

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