Sunday, May 26, 2013

A most powerful Word!

As I wrote earlier in the year, when the Dendy's sit down for a meal we do an "echo prayer." No matter who is leading the prayer they always start with... "Dear Jesus" and then the rest of the family says in unison, "Dear Jesus". And so it goes until the person leading says, "Amen" and we echo the same.

For as long as Joshua has been able to pray out loud he has inserted a particular phrase in his prayers. It goes like this...

Joshua: "Please forgive our sins..."
Family: "Please forgive our sins..."

And then with a little pause, followed by a rapid fire of these words strung together, Joshua says,

"...for whatever we have done."

With my heart smiling each time, the rest of the family repeats in similar fashion,
"...for whatever we have done."

My iWitness...

Did you just hear the best news of the day?
Were you paying attention to that "one" little word that strikes disbelief into the heart of the most faithful saint?

Read Joshua's prayer one more time...

"Please forgive our sins...for whatever we have done..."

Which word is the most important?

Pick and choose all you want, but the one word that cuts to the core over all the rest is the word, "whatever"!

"For WHATEVER we have done."

Here's the best news of the day!!!!

We are forgiven for whatever we have done!

 And here's the biggest challenge of the day...

Do you believe that?

Whether you believe it or not, listen to this incredible truth...

"Hear the good news of the gospel of Jesus Christ!
As far as the east is from the west (and that's a long ways!),
God has removed our transgressions from us.
We are forgiven...
for WHATEVER we have done."

If your eyes roll and your heart is inclined to respond in a cynical, 8th grader tone of, "Whatever..."
My heart shouts for faith and for joy and says, "Yes! WHATEVER!! You are forgiven for whatever you have done!"

"As far as the east is from the west,
     so far does he remove our transgressions from us." (Psalm 103. 12)

And that's my iWitness...
Laugh often and Fear not!

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