Wednesday, May 22, 2013

N Sync

I saw them walking yesterday morning.
You've seen them too...
We may not have seen the exact same couple, but we have seen this couple time and time again.
They were out for their daily walk.
They have done this thousands of times before.
They came into view at just the right angle from my kitchen window.
From the side view they didn't look like "two", they looked like "one."
(And the two shall become one...)
Stride for stride... left, right, left, right...
Hand in hand, gently swinging back and forth, back and forth...
In rhythm...
In step...
In sync...

My iWitness...

What I found fascinating about this innocent observation from the kitchen window was that this married couple was doing something that Julie and I will never accomplish in a lifetime of walking together. I am seventy-four inches tall. Julie... sixty-two. My legs are long. Julie's are not. For my every two steps, Julie takes three. We walk together, side by side... but not like this couple.
The above couple were about the same height, same leg length led to the same length of stride. It was as if I was watching a military parade, their precision was just that... precise.
And yet, they just flowed in motion with one another... fluid and effortlessly.

The above observation made me think about my walking with God.
In certain "Christian" circles we talk about, "How is your walk with the Lord?"

The implication being...
Are you in step with God?
Stride for stride?
Are you walking hand in hand?
Are you looking like two or are you looking like one?
In rhythm?
In step?
In sync?

Well... are you?

And that's my iWitness...
Laugh often and fear not!

"Therefore, as you received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk in him..." (Colossians 2. 6)"

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