Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Freedom Cry in Cleveland

Amanda, Gina, and Michelle... Welcome Home!!!

All three were just young girls when they were abducted a decade ago against their will and placed into captivity in a home in a densely populated area just two miles from their own homes in Cleveland, Ohio.

Ten years...
Where were you ten years ago?
Think about all that has happened to you in the last 10 years...
That's a long, long, long time... to be held captive.

Somehow and some way Amanda was able to make her way to the front door of the house of horror she had been surviving in and was able to scream, kick and get a hand out the door for a neighbor to see.

With the neigbor's help she ran across the street and said, "I'm Amanda Berry!!!"
The neighbor's response sounds like it came right out of a mystery novel, "You can't be Amanda Berry. Amanda Berry is dead!"

When you have gone missing for 10 years people believe you to be dead. And why not? What else are you going to believe?

The neighbor gave her a phone to call 911.
Here's Amanda's freedom cry in Cleveland...

"Help me, I'm Amanda Berry.... I've been kidnapped and I've been missing for 10 years. And I'm here, I'm free now!"

My iWitness...

Have you ever been abducted?
Have you ever been held captive?
I cannot begin to count the number of people I have met, myself included who have been held captive by an assortment of people and things....

I've seen beautiful young people get abucted into a bad relationship. Within months they're self-esteem, their self respect and their whole personhood is lost and they become almost unrecognizable.

I've seen successful people become addicted to their job, their work, their success and their power and ten years later they have gained the world, but they have lost their soul, their family and their standing.

I could go on and on...

What's strange and similar to our story above is that most of us get abducted and are held captive in densely populated areas. There are family members close by. There are neighbors across the street that we see almost daily. There are friends that we interact with regularly.

Here's what is extra sad. We live with and amongst these people and sometimes they never know that we are being held captive. On the other side, the equally sad part is that these same people sometimes see with great clarity how imprisoned we are and yet for the light of day we cannot see how imprisoned we are...

I've been abducted.
I've been held captive.
There are still some chains that dangle around my ankles and wrists...

"For freedom, Christ has set us free." (Galatians 5. 1)

Amanda's words beome my words and my prayer...

"Dear Lord, Help me! I'm David Dendy... I've been kidnapped  and I've been missing for 10 years. And I'm here! And through Jesus... I'm free now!!!"

And God's words have never sounded so sweet...
"Welcome home David!"

And that's my iWitness...
Laugh often and Fear not!

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