Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Pray for Oklahoma

A couple of years ago while living in Oregon, my six year old daughter Faith learned of some devastating tornadoes that had hit the Midwest. Bedtime prayers are the norm in our home and Faith's sensitive spirit was on display as she innocently and passionately prayed for the people devastated by the tornadoes.
The next morning at breakfast Julie asked Faith, "Do you know what a tornado is?"
Faith's response was an instant classic, "Yes. It's when the hot air meets the cold air... and then it doesn't go so well."

It's not going so well in Oklahoma...

My iWitness...

As of this writing 51 people are known to be dead. Twenty of them are children.
An EF-4 Tornado with winds in the 200 mph range ripped through Moore, Oklahoma yesterday cutting a swath one and one quarter mile wide. How wide is that? Let's put it this way... It would take me twelve minutes and thirty seconds to run from one side of the path to the other.

From a purely insurance/business perspective what has taken place in Moore, Oklahoma will be considered "An act of God" - a legal term for events outside of human control, such as sudden floods or other natural disasters, for which no one can be held responsible.

God gets the blame for a lot of things. I am positive that God will get blamed for the decimation, devastation, destruction and deaths.

Here is where I see the "acts of God" in Moore, Oklahoma...

At the Plaza Towers Elementary School that became a heap of rubble, parents, neighbors and everyone within running distance formed a line behind the firefighters and police officers as they pulled child after child out from under the rubble passing each child from one set of loving arms to the next to make sure that the children would receive instant love and care after such a horrific experience.

At the scene everyone was very quiet so that the rescuers could hear the children under the rubble. "No Child Left Behind" took on a new meaning at the elementary school yesterday.

Fences and barns were obliterated during the tornado strike, leaving owners of cows and horses with no place to keep their animals.  Holly Porter and her husband Tracy live 40 minutes away. They packed up their truck along with their horse trailer and drove straight to Moore. "We have 60 acres and we can take cows and horses. We're just going to help anyone we can."

Pray for little nine year old Kaleigh. She's in the hospital but her parents as of this writing have not been located yet. I wonder how God is going to "act" in this young girl's life. I don't know the answer. No one does. But I do know this... God will act. God will move. God will look after this little girl somehow, some way through someone...

Over the next few hours and days and weeks and months and years God will perform many more "acts" that will bring
calm out of the chaos,
     healing out of the horror,
          deliverance out of the destruction,
               redemption out of the rubble,
                    purpose out of the pain and
                         love out of the loss.

That's what God does best... He acts...

And that's my iWitness...
Laugh often and Fear not and shed a tear and offer a prayer for Oklahoma...

"Rejoice with those who rejoice, weep with those who weep." (Romans 12. 15)


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