Monday, August 26, 2013

Encourage One Another

The University of Dubuque welcomed over 600 new students yesterday. A majority of them were Freshman while the others were students transferring in from other institutions of higher learning.
Families gathered together to help their new incoming student move into the resident halls. Picture lots of stairs, bright sunshine, lots of unnecessary stuff that the incoming students thought they needed in their rooms combined with it being the hottest day of the summer!

Toward the end of the day, UD hosted a dinner for everyone.
My responsibility was to get the six lines for dinner moving and pass out plates to people waiting in line.

The family of four from Chicago with their Chicago Blackhawks Championship shirts proudly displayed approached me with their hands out for their plates. I gave the father his plate first and then looking at the mom I said, "Are you the new incoming student?" Like water bursting out of a fire hydrant, her face broke out into one big smile. I looked back at the chuckling father and he and I smiled at one another. Listen to what he said, "That's the first smile she has had all day." I laughed along with the rest of the family. I couldn't help but say, "Well played Dendy! Well played!" The father laughed out loud in full agreement.

It was this lady's first smile of the day because her oldest baby would be out of the nest for the first time in 18 years. This mom has spent everyday of the last 18 years in the presence of her beautiful daughter and within  a couple of hours of my meeting her, she would be saying good-bye.

My iWitness...
It doesn't take much.
In fact, it's free.
A few "well played" words of encouragement can really make someone's day.
I was talking with another friend of mine yesterday who is struggling with a few things.
Do you know how easy it was to take a few moments and remind my dear friend on what a great gift her friendship is to me and to so many others? To remind her that she is incredibly gifted and that God will see her through these challenging times with flying colors?

Offering encouraging words doesn't take long and yet is long on rewards for both parties...

Try it out today...
You never know...
You just might make someone smile for the first time today...

And that's my iWitness...
Laugh often and Fear not!

"Let no corrupting talk come out of your mouths, but only such as is good for building up, as fits the occasion, that it may give grace to those who hear." (Ephesians 4. 29)

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